links from Moths and the Media talk

Here are the links to many of the websites referred to in the “Moths and the Media” talk I gave in Newbury on 19 May 2009, for Butterfly Conservation and BBOWT, and again for Moths Count at the South Wales Moth Recorders’ Gathering, September 2009.

Many of the links, including most of the ‘serious’ mothing identification sites and online resources for moth recorders, have already been listed in my previous post on this subject and aren’t repeated here. The ones that are new:

Additional mothing sites

Online mapping and grid references

  • Where’s the path – OS maps and Google aerial photos side-by-side (this site has recently moved URL)
  • Grab a grid reference – excellent innovation from Keith Balmer for Bedfordshire Natural History Society, displays grid reference squares at various resolutions over Google maps and aerials (works throughout UK)

Moth-related blogs (a small and fairly random selection from among many)

Moth miscellany

0 Replies to “links from Moths and the Media talk”

  1. If you could possibly consider mentioning Essex Moths Blog then I would really appreciate that, if you need any further information etc then please don't hesistate to contact me, my sole aim is to promote Moth recording within the county of Essex and further afield, and hopefully by doing so and raising awareness and helping with identifications of difficult groups of Moths
    kind regards

    Ben Sale
    Essex Moths Blog :

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